Building An Economy That Works For All
When: 7:00 pm, Thursday, October 11, 2012
Where: University Temple
1415 43rd St NE
Seattle, Washington 98105
Marjorie Kelly will be in Seattle, WA at the Common Good Cafe for a dialogue about Building An Economy That Works For All. David Korten will join the discussion as well.
Located at University Temple United Methodist Church in the U District. Free validated parking at University Bookstore (across the street).
The Common Good Café is a conversational café where we practice the art of civil, civic conversation. We invite local musicians to perform at the opening and closing of the evening. Then we listen to a presenter, followed by small group conversation, followed by presenter-led group discussion. Each week ends with a call to some form of direct action follow-up. After all, there is no sense learning stuff if you don’t do anything with what you’ve learned. The real magic happens in the small group connections!